Learn to make the perfect espresso coffee with our passionate and qualified lecturers who will inspire you to make coffee with enthusiasm, flair and confidence. During this course, you will learn the skills and knowledge required to prepare, extract and serve a variety of espresso coffees including the popular short & long black, cappuccino, café latte, macchiatos and more. This course also includes a brief history of coffee origins, preparing and organising your work area, selecting, grinding and extracting coffee, texturing milk, serving espresso coffees and cleaning and maintaining espresso coffee machines. Duration and cost may vary slightly between locations due to facility overheads and assessment capabilities. For organisations that wish to pay the student fees for this course and are unable to pay by credit card via the website, please contact the Short Course team via email at ShortCourses@tafesa.edu.au to organise a Third Party Payment invoice.
Prepare and serve espresso coffee (SITHFAB025)
Use hygienic practices for food safety (SITXFSA005)
Barossa (Nuriootpa)
Thu 8 May 25
Thu 29 May 25
Current VISA holders eligible
Mount Barker
Thu 1 May 25
Thu 22 May 25
Mount Gambier
Wed 30 Apr 25
Wed 21 May 25
Regency Park
Mon 5 May 25
Mon 23 Jun 25
Freecall 1800 882 661